A 9-Year-Old's Journey with Stuttering

Sometimes stories are best told with pictures. Ben, a 9-year-old boy who started coming to our clinic in 2009, wanted to share his story so that others could find the inspiration and courage to continue their journey with their own stuttering. These pictures have been taken from Ben’s participation in our Confident Communicators group we ran this year where five boys and their parents participated in four group therapy sessions spread out over the year.

8 Things Golf Teaches Us About Stuttering

Recently, I was reading September’s issue of New Zealand M2 magazine and stumbled across an article entitled “10 Things Golf Teaches Us About Business.” I normally glaze over articles about golf (give me an article on tennis anytime!) and/or business but this one had some thoughtful insights which seemed to apply to stuttering.

SNL Skit Survey Results

The presidential election is over and what a close one it was (we got quite a bit of news coverage over here in New Zealand)! Similar to the election results, though much smaller in scale and way less significant, the SNL Skit survey had an even spread of reactions until a few vital responses swung the results to indicate that most people found the skit mildly amusing (10% more than the next response).

Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day Everyone!

One of my good SLP mates (and person who stutters) posted on his Facebook the perfect summary International Stuttering Awareness Day by saying “People who stutter have a voice, and have something to say. I like to think they were put on this earth to teach the world how to listen.”

15th ISAD Online Conference

For all of you who haven’t taken part in this year’s International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, we’re at the halfway point and there is still plenty of time to post comments and questions to the authors of this year’s papers.

Commentary on SNL’s Drill Sergeant Skit

The ongoing discussion in the stuttering world about Saturday Night Live’s drill sergeant skit has been interesting to watch from afar. It was only last week that I got to view the segment online courtesy of someone posting the video on YouTube.

From Being Open About Stuttering to Attending Camp Shout Out!

To all those who read my last blog entry, I’m sorry for not posting sooner. After my piece on being open about stuttering, I was fortunate to fly out to Muskegon, Michigan (on a 20 hour flight!) to attend Camp Shout Out. For me it was the perfect opportunity to see everyone be open about their stuttering in a safe and supportive environment.

Being Open About Stuttering: Our New Blog

As the Stuttering Foundation of America celebrates sixty-five years of helping those who stutter, it is timely to acknowledge one man’s journey to being open about his stuttering. In 1947, Malcolm Fraser met with Dr Charles Van Riper to discuss setting up a nonprofit charitable organisation to help others who stuttered, spurred on from his own personal and often painful experience of stuttering.
