Blog by Voon Pang
October 10, 2012
For all of you who haven’t taken part in this year’s International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, we’re at the halfway point and there is still plenty of time to post comments and questions to the authors of this year’s papers. A valuable feature of this annual conference is that it allows parents of children who stutter, and children, teens and adults who stutter to ask questions of highly qualified specialists in the area of stuttering.
Below is the link, make sure you follow the instructions from conference coordinator Judy Kuster!
My favourites so far have been listening to the audio presentations of the speech-language pathologists who presented at last year’s American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) conference. Their paths toward recovery are food for thought and makes for valuable insights irrespective of whether or not you are a person who stutters. Other papers have been grouped under “Stuttering: Information and Issues”, “Clinical Nuggets: Treatment Treasures and Activities” and “Creative Expression” with each section featuring a smorgasbord of articles written from people from all walks of life in the stuttering community.
What have been some of your personal favourites? Has there been an article (or two), which has really resonated with you? Let us know your thoughts…
P.S. Here are the preliminary results of the survey I compiled asking for people’s reaction to the SNL Drill Sergeant Skit:
I’ll put up the full results after International Stuttering Awareness Day on October 22nd! If you want to cast your vote, here is the link - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q9PNM38