Stuttering in the Media

We’re almost a quarter of the way into 2016 and the spotlight on stuttering has shone brightly. Here is a recap of some of the events over the past few months which have got us talking.

Olly and Kate’s Story – Stuttering Therapy in the Preschool Years

I have been fortunate to have many teachers in my career as a specialist speech language pathologist. None of the formal learning can surpass the everyday interactions I have with the families I work with.

International Stuttering Awareness Day – October 22nd

International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) is Oct. 22 and this year’s theme is “Spread the Word – Education, Cooperation, Communication."

UISPEAKS: Empowering Teens Who Stutter

I observed a weeklong residential program for teenagers who stutter. This unique experience demonstrated the importance of individualising stuttering therapy, as opposed to sticking to a strict therapeutic program where all participants were expected to work on the same goals.

Therapy for Preschool Children Who Stutter and Government Policy

UPDATE: As we approach the end of Stuttering Awareness Week, news broke that Speech Pathology Australia’s (SPA) government proposal to reimburse only one type of stuttering treatment has been declined by the Australian Government.

Problem with “One Size Fits All”

Speech Pathology Australia’s proposal to the Australian government to provide reimbursement could be helpful in providing affordable treatment for pre-schoolers who stutter. However, I believe that the negatives outweigh the positives.

Reflections on 2014

As we approach the end of 2014, I thought I’d share with you the best bits of what I’ve learnt from the people I have worked with and the books I have read over the year.

Stuttering is Like Tennis

For people who stutter, stuttering can be like a tennis match. Tennis can be gruelling, mentally draining as well as rewarding (when you play well!).

5 TED Talks for People Who Stutter

I don’t know about you, but I love a good TED talk. There are some brilliant minds around the world and it is inspiring to listen to people talk about something they are so passionate about.

Teens Speak Up

Back in May, I facilitated a weeklong intensive course for 13-17 year olds who stutter. Four boys from various parts of New Zealand signed up for a course I based on what I observed at the Michael Palin Centre last summer.
