• Help! My Child is Stuttering

    In this 16-minute video, parents and speech-language experts talk about how to promote easier talking as they interact with their children.

  • Richard Condon

    Acclaimed novelist Richard Condon joins the list of little-known celebrities who stutter.

  • Boris Karloff

    He became famous for his high-profile role as Frankenstein in Frankenstein (1931), Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and Son of Frankenstein (1939).

  • Ty Cobb

    Ty Cobb’s name appears on some lists of famous people who stutter, but unlike others, there is very little written about Cobb's life as a person who stuttered.

  • "It Won't Stop You"

    Aussie Billionaire Has Message For Kids Who Stutter

  • Q&A with Philanthropist and Speaker

    Justin Blackstone is a an advisor to the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation.

  • Temperament and Teens

    Temperament and the Impact of Stuttering in Children Aged 8-14 Years

  • Camps and Clinics

    Looking for a summer stuttering program? We have a list.

  • Rowan Atkinson

    Great Britain's Funniest Man

  • Challenge & Change

    A Look Back at the 12th Annual Oxford Dysfluency Conference
