Stuttering Awareness is Important Around the World
We asked individuals who stutter and SLPs across the globe to help us bring awareness to stuttering. Watch this wonderful video.
Salute to Pediatric Nurses
October 5-9 is Pediatric Nurses Week. Within the stuttering community, parents’ fear that a child is beginning to stutter is well known — and very real.
Masks pose added challenges for those who stutter
Texas CBS station KLBK discusses Stuttering Foundation resources
Don’t Leave Home Without It
Have you ever been stopped for speeding or had trouble when questioned coming through airport security? If you have, whether you stutter or not, you know how tough these two situations can be.
Popular Ad Available as Poster
The Stuttering Foundation's popular public service ad — which runs in national publications — is available as a poster. This is the perfect way to help spread the word about stuttering.
Popular workbook still timely after nearly 20 years
It has been almost two decades since The School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively with Attitudes and Emotions was first published. Now the workbook is in its eighth printing and more popular than ever.
Tips for Teachers, SLPs, and Parents for Distance Learning
Ellen M. Kelly, Ph.D., discusses stuttering in the current remote communication environment caused by COVID-19, and offers suggestions for teachers, speech-language pathologists, and parents.