Creating a Meaningful Message
Akiva Splaver wrote his first book as a high school student. His inspiring narrative was driven by his own experiences of isolation, trial, and ultimate victory over stuttering.
Famous Screenwriter Who Stuttered Wrote the Screenplay for A Star Is Born
This weekend will mark the highly anticipated release of A Star Is Born, starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga.
Rabinowitz Leaves a Legacy in the Animal and Stuttering Communities
It is with a heavy heart and immense sadness that the Stuttering Foundation announces the death of our longtime board member, spokesman and friend, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz.
Remembering Alan Rabinowitz
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Stuttering Foundation Board Member Dr. Alan Rabinowitz.
It’s Time for This to Stop
Stuttering is the only disability that people still laugh at — too often in the face of a person struggling to speak fluently.
Stuttering in a Fluency World
When I was 18, speech therapist John Seamon, told me, “Don’t let stuttering control you. You control it.”
The Stutterer's Apprentice
At just 17 years old, Akiva Splaver wrote his first book, which is already a No. 1 best seller on Amazon.
One World, Many Voices
The inaugural Joint World Congress will be held July 13-16, 2018, in Hiroshima, Japan. Be sure to visit the Stuttering Foundation booth!
Workshop on Cluttering in Italy
There will be a workshop on cluttering with Yvonne Van Zaalen on Sept. 28-30, 2018, in Turin, Italy.
Stuttering Can't Stop You
It all started at the age of 6. My mother thought my speech pattern was due to me mimicking my cousin and brother, who had a stutter, too.