Michelle Williams

Former Destiny’s Child star Michelle Williams topped the charts with the group’s hit song, “Survivor” in 2001. The song, which encourages people not to give up, is an inspiring message to others like Michelle who have dealt with stuttering.

Paying Tribute to Aussie Columnist and Friend Jane Fraser

It’s quite interesting to read about someone who shares your very same name, and quite sad when that person passes away. Today we learned of the 

Should We Seek Help?

This is an excerpt of chapter 7 from the book Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers
By William H. Perkins, Ph.D.
Won’t therapy make him more aware of his problem? Make his problem worse?

Coping With School

This is an excerpt of Chapter 4 from the book Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens.
By Hugo H. Gregory, Ph.D.

Foundation Salutes Press for Focus on Stuttering

For Immediate Release
Greg Wilson
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Oct. 22, 2015) - The Stuttering Foundation,  www.StutteringHelp.org, announced the winners of its 2015 Awards for Excellence in Journalism today in celebration of International Stuttering Awareness Day.

2016: New Year, Old Fears

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                             
Greg Wilson              

Foundation Honors Press for Focus on Stuttering

For Immediate Release
Greg Wilson

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Oct. 25, 2016) — The Stuttering Foundation, www.StutteringHelp.org, announced the winners of its 2016 Awards for Excellence in Journalism today in celebration of International Stuttering Awareness Day.
