It has been almost two decades since The School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively with Attitudes and Emotions was first published. Now the workbook is in its eighth printing and more popular than ever.
First released 2001, the workbook came out at a time when very few resources were available for speech therapists working in public schools. The Stuttering Foundation saw a real need at the time, and that need continues today.
“Speech pathologists have often struggled with helping children make changes in how they think and feel about stuttering and talking in general,” said the late Lisa Scott in an interview for the Stuttering Foundation’s Summer 2001 newsletter. Dr. Scott was the book’s editor and instrumental in bringing it to fruition.
“Incorporating these materials into stuttering therapy is going to make a significant difference in the lives of children who stutter because they will learn to change not only how they talk but also how they see themselves as communicators,” Dr. Scott said.
Written by speech-language pathologists Kristin Chmela and Nina Reardon, the workbook format offers school clinicians practical strategies for assessing and working with attitudes and emotions school-age children may have.
Suggested dialogues, paper-pencil tasks, and case examples from actual children make it unique. Timeless case examples from four children provide readers with a comprehensive look at the assessment and treatment process. Each child’s profile includes a case description, responses of that child to each assessment tool used, and samples of work produced during treatment.
Throughout the 192-page workbook, the authors help the reader understand both the rationale behind using a particular strategy to meet a specific child’s needs and then to interpret that child’s responses. The book can easily be adapted for all ages.
The spiral-bound workbook is popular with therapists because the 8.5 x 11-inch pages are full color and reproducible. It includes the worry ladder, which has become a must-have tool among speech-language pathologists working with children.
ASHA CEUs are available for the workbook at