Speech-language pathologists from eleven states, Canada, Ireland, and Turkey met July 9-13 on the CHOP campus to learn more about how to assess and treat school-age children and adolescents who stutter.
Workshop leaders included Joe Donaher, Ph.D., of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Vivian Sisskin, M.S., of the University of Maryland, and Lisa Scott, Ph.D., of The Florida State University.
Throughout the workshop, a variety of learning opportunities were used including traditional lectures, guided case planning, small-group practice of the various clinical and relationship skills, and watching videos of therapy sessions.
“We were so thrilled to have so many clinicians from a variety of work settings devote a week of their summer to learning more about stuttering,” said Lisa Scott.
Feedback from participants included:
“I feel more comfortable with cognitive and emotional factors and will spend more time on those issues. I will be more client-centered by putting them in charge of the changes they want to make.”
“This week has opened the door to thinking differently, counseling differently and treating differently.”
“One of the major changes I plan on making is taking much more care in the assessment process to gather information. I will also get parents more involved. Further, I plan to seek out students who stutter for therapy instead of avoiding them.”
“I don’t have to be a miracle worker. 100% fluency is NOT the goal! It’s making stuttering easier and learning to “stutter better.”
From the Fall 2012 Newsletter