A blog by Jane Fraser
Since 1947, the Stuttering Foundation has been a trusted source of accurate and timely information about stuttering. Today, our materials reach the stuttering community in 138 countries around the world. Some of our most popular content is available for free in the form of video — available on our YouTube channel. Here are three must-see videos to view and share:
- 7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters — In the video, a group of speech-language experts talk compassionately and directly to adults about how to promote easier talking as they interact with their preschool-age children. The professionals offer simple, easy-to-do tips that parents can begin to use immediately.
- Kids Who Stutter: Parents Speak — In this 16-minute video, parents of children who stutter join a group of speech-language experts to talk compassionately and directly about what has worked for them as they interact with their child.
- Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers — In this powerful 18-minute video, students who stutter talk to teachers about their experiences and experts in the field of speech pathology answer questions about what works and what doesn't in the classroom.
Posted Feb. 10, 2021