• Lewis Carroll

    The recent Disney version of Lewis Carroll’s classic, Alice in Wonderland, garnered a great deal of media hype. Even though the mainstream media has not made mention that Carroll was a person who stuttered, his family history gives credence to the discovery of the genetic link to stuttering. Carroll was born to parents who were first cousins; almost all of their eleven children, three girls and seven boys, struggled with stuttering past childhood.

  • Famous Brothers Didn't Let Stuttering Stop Them

    Brothers Dominick and John Gregory Dunne, who died in 2009 and 2004 respectively, are well known as having been famous writers and literary giants.

    What the public at large does not realize is that both Dominick Dunne and his younger brother John Gregory not only struggled with stuttering but also were quite open about it.

  • Who Knew? Mr. Bean?

    When moviegoers in the U.S. saw the television ads for the October 21, 2011, release of the new Rowan Atkinson movie Johnny English Reborn, few, if any, knew that Atkinson, most famous for his character Mr. Bean, is a person who stuttered. Unlike some other famous actors, Rowan Atkinson’s stutter is not widely known. However, stuttering still is a factor in his life.

  • What Are They Up to Now?

  • Shelby Railroad on Track for Stuttering

    Kirk and John Tarver and their Memphis-based Shelby Railroad Services Inc. raised a record $7,000 to help those who stutter.

    Jane Fraser and Susie Hall were in attendance to receive this outstanding gift.

    The annual Tin-Cup Tournament took place on October 7 at Wedgewood Golf Club in Olive Branch, Miss.

  • Meaningful Bar Mitzvah Project Benefits All

    Josh Cohen of Cherry Hill, N.J., wanted to do something special for his Bar Mitzvah last October. In fact, his plans had been in the works since the spring time.

    It was the Bar Mitzvah requirement to complete a personally meaningful project of community benefit that inspired Jo

  • Dennis Drayna Answers Questions

    Dennis Drayna, Ph.D., researcher for the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, answers questions from students at Glendale American Elementary School.

    Dr. Drayna: Thank you for your interest in our research on stuttering. I’m happy to answer your questions as follows:

  • Thoughts on Successful Fluency

    By Garrett

    Hello, my name is Garrett and I have just celebrated my eighteenth birthday. I was born in Merced, California and now reside with my family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Along with reading, I also enjoying running, being with my family, and I am a diehard NASCAR fan.

    Because the help I sought in becoming fluent is proving successful, my therapist thought perhaps others could benefit from reading about my experience and encouraged me to answer the following questions for the reader of this article.

  • Teletherapy Opens New Options for Clients

    By Kristin Chmela, M.A., CCC-SLP

    For those working with individuals who stutter, telepractice services are becoming more popular as a way to help clients with limited or no access to speech therapy or with needs that require more specialized assistance.

  • Coverage from The King's Speech
