25 Things I Wish I Had Known About Stuttering When I was 20

Laurent Lagarde, who translated the books Advice to Those Who Stutter and  Sometimes I Just Stutter into French, now shares “25 things I wish I had known about stuttering when I was 20 years old.” 
He wrote them for his French blog and has now translated them into English.

Singing and Stuttering: What We Know

The recent success of American Idol hopeful Lazaro Arbos has the entire country talking about singing and stuttering.

ASHA in Atlanta

The 2012 convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) was held Nov. 15-18 in Atlanta. This year the Stuttering Foundation had a great location with a 30-foot, corner booth. 

Some Words From Our Blogger Voon Pang

Hello everyone, my name is Voon Pang and I have been blogging for the Stuttering Foundation since August of this year. I am a Speech Language Pathologist working for the Stuttering Treatment and Research Trust in Auckland, New Zealand.

Czech Republic Celebrates International Stuttering Awareness Day

The ancient Moravian city of Brno in the Czech Republic was the setting for an exciting workshop focusing on stuttering in the days leading up to International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD). The 10th annual conference of the Speech Therapists Association of the Czech Republic was held Friday, Oct. 19, 2012.

Being Inspired by Lazaro Arbos

A couple of nights ago, the stuttering community jumped for joy when Lazaro Arbos auditioned for American Idol. The social and media firestorm that ensued was amazing, which ultimately led to increased awareness and education for those about stuttering.

American Idol Contestant is 'Already a Winner' to Stuttering Community

For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Wilson

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Jan. 18, 2013) — Stuttering Foundation president Jane Fraser had the following comment about last night's American Idol show featuring Lazaro Arbos, a contestant who stutters:

Fundraiser Runs at Full Steam to Make Record Gift to Foundation

Kirk and John Tarver and their Memphis-based Shelby Railroad Services Inc. raised an astonishing $11,000+ for the Memphis-based Stuttering Foundation. Shelby Railroad held their annual fund-raising golf outing and dinner on Oct. 4 at Wedgewood Golf Club, in Olive Branch, Miss.

Spanish Resources Expand

Stuttering Foundation resources continue to help people around the world. Recently, a few more books have been translated into other languages. Daniela Jaramillo translated Treating the School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians into Spanish. “It was great to see the translation. I sent another email to the translator with your thanks for her work. She is very pleased to collaborate with the noble work of the Foundation,” wrote Dr. César Burneo, who was Daniela’s professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. 

Brain Development in Stuttering

I recently spent 2 years studying brain development, motor learning, computational neuroscience and stuttering in Boston, Massachusetts. I am Canadian, and I also happen to be an intense hockey fan, and the team that I cheer for is the Boston Bruins. The Bruins take as their logo a large ‘B’ at the center of a circle with spokes radiating out from it.

The Stuttering Foundation: Giving a Voice to People Who Stutter for 65 Years

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Dec. 19, 2012) — The Stuttering Foundation, www.StutteringHelp.org, celebrates its 65th anniversary this year, marking more than six decades as the world’s foremost non-profit dedicated to helping those who stutter.

A 9-Year-Old's Journey with Stuttering

Sometimes stories are best told with pictures. Ben, a 9-year-old boy who started coming to our clinic in 2009, wanted to share his story so that others could find the inspiration and courage to continue their journey with their own stuttering. These pictures have been taken from Ben’s participation in our Confident Communicators group we ran this year where five boys and their parents participated in four group therapy sessions spread out over the year.

Bloodstein Presented with Prestigious Malcolm Fraser Award

The 1999 Malcolm Faser Award, which honors excellence in the field of fluency, has been presnted by the Stuttering Founation of America to Oliver Bloodstein, a speech-language pathologist. Bloodstein is a Professor Emeritus of Speech at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and has served on the school's faculty for almost 50 years.

8 Things Golf Teaches Us About Stuttering

Recently, I was reading September’s issue of New Zealand M2 magazine and stumbled across an article entitled “10 Things Golf Teaches Us About Business.” I normally glaze over articles about golf (give me an article on tennis anytime!) and/or business but this one had some thoughtful insights which seemed to apply to stuttering.

5,000 Likes On Facebook

We now have more than 5,000 likes on Facebook! Kristen Pinkston, a graduate speech-language pathology student from Texas, was the 5,000th person to follow us on Facebook.

To celebrate, we are sending her our complete set of books. To stay up to date on the latest news, resources, and information about stuttering, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and Pinterest.  

List of CEUs

 6151 .1 CEU Materials $25 on DVD No. 6150, The Genetics of Stuttering: Discovery of Causes featuring Dennis Drayna, Ph.D.
6301 .15 CEU Materials $25 on DVD No. 6300, Moving from Assessment to Intervention Planning featuring Sheryl Gottwald.
6351 .15 CEU Materials $25 on DVD No. 6350, Scoring Disfluencies featuring Diane Parris.

SNL Skit Survey Results

The presidential election is over and what a close one it was (we got quite a bit of news coverage over here in New Zealand)! Similar to the election results, though much smaller in scale and way less significant, the SNL Skit survey had an even spread of reactions until a few vital responses swung the results to indicate that most people found the skit mildly amusing (10% more than the next response).

Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day Everyone!

One of my good SLP mates (and person who stutters) posted on his Facebook the perfect summary International Stuttering Awareness Day by saying “People who stutter have a voice, and have something to say. I like to think they were put on this earth to teach the world how to listen.”

Vive La France

The 7th World Congress of the International Fluency Association was held in the heart of the Loire Valley in Tours, France, July 2-5, 2012. It brought together more than 200 people, many of them experts in the field of stuttering.
