Stuttering Foundation: “By George, He Has Big Shoes to Fill!”
For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Wilson [1]
(571) 239-7474
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (July 24, 2013) — Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation [2], had the following reaction to the naming of the most recent British heir to the monarchy:
“By George, he has big shoes to fill!
“King George VI, as we all remember from The King’s Speech [3], helped to hold Britain together during the Second World War when he remained for most of the war at Buckingham Palace, which was bombed nine times during the war. He and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, visited severely bombed areas in the East End of London and elsewhere in the country, in spite of the danger to their own lives.
“He also developed a close working relationship with his wartime Prime Minister, Winston Churchill as most of Europe fell to Nazi Germany. Despite his severe stutter, King George VI brought a sense of courage and inspiration to his country and the Allies throughout the war.
“We wish the entire Royal Family good fortune and best wishes. King George VI, a true hero to the stuttering community, now has a great, great grandson who was given a name fit for a king.”
Foundation Spokesperson Jane Fraser
Jane Fraser is president of The Stuttering Foundation and co-author of If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents [4], 8th edition. She is also vice president of the Action for Stammering Children, Michael Palin Centre, London.
About the Stuttering Foundation
Malcolm Fraser, a successful businessman and stutterer, went on to establish and endow the nonprofit Stuttering Foundation in 1947. The Stuttering Foundation provides a toll-free helpline, 800-992-9392, and free online resources on its website, [5], including services, referrals and support to people who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering. Please visit us at [5].