FRENCH: links page
Stuttering Foundation resources translated into French...
NOUVEAU REGARD SUR LE BÉGAIEMENT [1] French translation of A Fresh Look at Stuttering video
7 CONSEILS POUR LES ENTREVUES D’EMPLOI [2] French translation of 7 Tips for Job Interviews
BÉGAIEMENT : INFORMATIONS/RÉPONSES POUR LES EMPLOYEURS [3]French translation of Answers for Employers
CET ENFANT N’EST PAS FLUENT S’AGIT-IL DE BÉGAIEMENT OU D’AUTRE CHOSE ? [4] French translation of the research article, This Child Isn’t Fluent — Is It Stuttering Or Something Else?
Une auto-thérapie pour personnes qui bégaient [5] French translation of Self-Therapy for the Stutterer
6 Tips for Speaking With Someone Who Stutters in French [6]
7 Tips for Talking With Your Child in French [7]
Utiliser le Telephone [8] French translation of Using the Telephone
Mon enfant bgaie: comment en parler l'cole ? [9] French translation of 8 Tips for Teachers.
Grille des facteurs de risque du begaiement [10] French translation of Risk Factor Chart.
Des fois, je bgaie [11] French translation of Sometimes I Just Stutter. Translated by Laurent Lagarde
Conseils pour ceux qui begaient [12] French translation of Advice to Those Who Stutter [13] A French blog on stuttering